Why Privilege Server
World class hosting servicesIt is important to choose a reliable Web hosting. Highest Service quality, Maximum security and unshakeable reliability are guaranteed by the Privilege server. Whatever the cause may be your Market credibility, your profits, and your business gets hurt by the network downtime. Privilege server with its experience and experts host to deliver 99.9 %uptime, therefore your website is at your need.
Dallas, Seattle, (soft layer DC), Seattle DCare the places where our world class data centre are located and equipped with Cisco network and multiple Tier 1 bandwidth carriers are backed up. Both the network equipments and backbone connections have been invested heavily to make sure that the very fastest High Speed access possible by our clients to their content and Web applications. Our network is not dependant on a single provider but it has multiple redundant network conditions to 8 different internet back bones, thereby it assures the up most possible network uptime
Powerful Network System

Friendly Support and Community Forum

We deliver Maximum High Quality

Your websites will be green :)